
Chapter 1

The child was introduced in society at a time of political turmoil. The houses of Lereia are at each others' necks. When Princess Aria's house is in power, it is a calm moment in a detrimental hurricane of power-ripping, throne-stealing chaos. The Sarcelle Palace was in the outskirts of the city, and this was where the Lady of the Lake visited thirteen years ago. A few days after he entered the family, he was taken to the nine Muses to select his name, as was the custom. The first muse was perplexed. She was Calliope, the muse of history. "He is a complex child," she murmured. "For the intelligence he will have, I select the name Apollo." The second was none the wiser. Her name was Euterpe, muse of lyric poetry. "He is a magical boy, and he will see things thought unseeable. He is like the tree from which we sprout, I select the name Ash." The third muse smiled. She was Erato, the muse of love poetry, and this child was the epitome of what


It was a silent night in the kingdom of Lereia. The sky was cloaked in a cloth of indigo. Across the land, gold lights lit up the buildings of the prosperous, masking the hidden secrets in the night.  But over in the mountains surrounding the city of Yue, was a woman. Known only as the Lady of the Lake, she was called NimuĂ« only by those deemed worthy of the knowledge, for her name was a special one. Her skin was as pure as snow, eyes as striking the lightning in a storm, as blue as the deepest ocean. She wore a simple dress, light blue, shimmering like the light on the water.  But she heard a sound. A rustling in the bushes. NimuĂ«, as calm as a summer day, edged closer to the bush. As she pushed the branch away, she saw what it was. And it shocked her. It was a child. Wrapped in a knitted blanket, the baby was restless. The Lady of the Lake reached for the baby and held it in her arms. Its hair was purely white, its eyes were shining like a shining sapphire. However